Gender of your pup?*
Your pup's birth date?*
Current weight*
Is the dog neutered/ spayed?*
Calculation In Progress !!!!
What is your pup's breed?*
Puppy Weight Calculator
For puppies of all breeds and gender
Expected Adult Weight
Expected Adulthood Age
AKC Adult Weight by Breed
Current Ideal Weight Range
Puppy Weight Estimate Calculator
All puppy grow fast and as a concerned parent, we want answers to a lot of questions during this growth period. Questions like:
Is my pup growing right? What should be my pup's ideal weight?
When will my pup be a fully grown dog?
How much will my dog weigh, when she is fully grown?
What should be the ideal weight adulthood weight as per AKC breed standards?
This calculator answers all the above questions. Use this UnoDogs Puppy Weight Predictor Calculator to know the expected adulthood weight, current weight and ideal weight as per AKC breed standards.
How to use this calculator?
Fill in the information asked and press the calculate button. We consider all the values to calculate the outputs mentioned below.
Expected adult weight:
It is the weight range your pup is expected to grow into based on age, breed, gender, and current weight.
Expected adulthood age:
The average age when your pup is expected to reach her full size. Generally, dogs get their adult size (height) first and then gain additional weight to reach adulthood. This period, combined with neutering/spaying and uncontrolled calorie intake, can set a platform for an obese or overweight dog. So watch out for the calories you feed.
AKC adult weight by breed:
The American Kennel Club (AKC) provides the adult weight range as per breed standards. This value considers only your pup’s breed and provides the ideal weight range as per AKC.
Current ideal weight range:
It is the ideal weight range your pup should be in. We calculate this basis the AKC adult ideal weight range, current age and weight, average growth rate as per your dog’s breed group, and gender.
If you need to get the right calories for your pup, use our puppy calorie calculator.
Steps to calculate the growth and weight details of mixed-breed puppies:
You should know the two major dominant breeds for your mixed breed pup
Get the details from our calculator for breed 1 and then for breed 2
Then get the average of it or you may also give a little higher weightage to the more dominant breed visible in your puppy. Something in the range of 55%-65% as weightage to the dominant breed is generally used.
For example, consider a mixed-breed puppy—a cross between a golden retriever and a German Shepherd. First, calculate the ideal weight of a golden retriever, and then calculate the same values with input as a German shepherd. Now, average them to get the mixed-breed range.
Some prominent breeds in the above mentioned groups:
Toy breeds:
Affenpinscher, Chihuahua, Dashshund (Miniature), Shih Tu, Papillon, Pomerarian, Poodle Toy, Yorkshire Terrier
Small breeds:
Australian Terrier, Beagle, Border terrier, Boston terrier, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Fox Terrier, French Bulldog, Jack Russell Terrier, Lhasa Apso, Pug, Shih Tzu
Medium breeds:
Cocker Spaniel, American Pitbul Terrier, Australian Cattle dog, Kelpie, Basset Hound, Border Collie, Bulldog, Cocker Spaniel, Corgi, Finnish Spitz, Irish Terrier, Portuguese Ppointer and sheepdog, Siberian Husky, Vizsla,
Large breeds:
Afghan hound, American Bulldog, Australian Shepherd, Belgian Malinois, Boxer, Bull Terrier, Collie, Dalmatian, Doberman Pinscher, German Shephard, Golden Retriever, Grey Hound, Irish Setter, Labrador Retriever, Pit bull terrier, Pointer, Rottweiler, Weimaraner
Giant breeds:
Akita, Bernese Mountain dog, Bloodhound, Bullmastiff, Cane Corso, Great Dane, Irish Wolfhound, Newfoundland, Saint Bernard, Tibetan Mastiff
See below a graph of puppy growth as per different sizes of breeds. The growth is in number of months.

How to use this Puppy Weight Calculator?
Follow the below steps to make best use of this calculator:
Use the calculator to get your puppy's four values.
Puppy’s expected adult weight
Puppy’s expected adulthood age
AKC adult weight by breed standards
Current ideal weight range
If the current weight is outside the 'Current Weight Range,' then your puppy is growing less or more than expected.
Calculate the excess or lagging weight.
It will be acceptable within 15% of the range. So, within 15% above the higher range value or 15% less of this range, especially in the high growth phase, i.e., generally 3-8 months in most puppies.
If the current weight is still out of this range, we recommend to consult a veterinarian.
For example:
If your puppy's ideal current weight range is 40-46 lbs, then 15% below 40, i.e., 40 - 6 = 34 lbs to 46+ 7 = 53 lbs. 34-53 lbs should be acceptable, but consult your vet if the current weight is really towards the extreme or outside of this range.