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Meal Planner for homemade dog food

Tasty and nutritious food in the bowl, everyday

UnoDogs - Dog Meal Planner

Build Meals. Balance Nutrition. Ensure Taste.

Personalized plans, nutrition and taste recommendations as per your dog's needs

UnoDogs - Web App


Build for health enthusiast dog parents

Balanced and tasty meals. Personalized targets. Smart recommendations. 
Everything you need to raise a healthy and a happy dog.

Balance Diet

Track calories and nutrition over time. Follow dog nutrition gold standards like NRC. Personalize diet as per your dog's age, health status and other needs.

Personal Goals

Set personal goals - weight loss/ gain, working dog, endurance diets etc. Compare with other dogs. Follow target based plans. Plan for groceries. 

Ensure Taste

World's first tasto-meter build for dogs. Measure and improve - crunchiness, smell, taste, texture, and more. Get taste recommendations.

Chinmay Mishra - Founder UnoDogs

I am on mission to empower every dog parent with right tools so they can keep their furry kids healthy and happy.

Chinmay Mishra



Free tools for making informed decisions

We offer highest quality articles, guides, calculators and more around dog nutrition, health and fitness. Anyone can build a great health routine for their dog(s) using these free tools.

Our Mission

Get fresh & healthy food in every bowl

By a dog parent. For dog parents.

Calculators & Planners

Use our calculators to prepare balanced meal with all details around calories and nutrition.

Nutrition Guides

Find all dog nutrition related data at one place. Well researched and un-biased high quality material.

Dog Food Mixer

Know how you can supplement commercial dog food with fresh ingredients.

Coming Soon!
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