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Young Family with Pet Dog

Dog health & fitness tools

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Use our web tools to benchmark your dog's current fitness level


Puppy growth and weight calculator

Want an answer to your question - How big will my puppy get? What should be the ideal weight of my dog? Dog weight calculator helps you get answers to all your questions. 


Dog Body Condition Score (BCS) calculator

Get the right Body Condition Score for your dog. It is necessary to know before you put your dog on diet or weight gain program. Applicable to all breeds but adult dogs only.


Dog calorie calculator

Dog calorie calculator helps you calculate right calories for your dog of any breed, weight and age. You need the right measure to put your dog on any fitness program.


Raw Meaty Bone (RMB) & Calcium calculator

Get the right amount of Raw Meaty Bone you need to include in your dog's daily diet. Get the amount of calcium, meat and bone your dog will get out of the RMB.

Dog Run

Dog exercise calculator

Get the right list of exercises your dog can do in her calorie budget. How much calories my dog burn during a 30 minutes hike? You can get all your exercise-related answers here.

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